Thursday, December 30, 2010

Maggie and Smudge

Maggie LOVES her cat! (I do too!) He is very good with her. She can carry him around the house all day! Maggie has had her first big scratch. I thought it might scare her but after I put Smudge up she went right over to the door and started crying wanting me to let him back out.
When we ask her what a cat says she says "AWWWWWWWW". She is just becoming such a amazing little girl.
The last week she has been sleeping till 8:00 instead of 5:30. Her fits are getting much shorter. I hope we are getting past all the crying!?

The older she gets the CUTER she gets.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pig Tails

Maggie's first pig tails!

A little wedgie!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

We are so Blessed!

We had a great Christmas this year!!! The kids had so much fun. It is fun to see Gabe get into Santa this year. I don't know how long he will believe. I am really bad at it and then Christmas morning he was opening his toys and looked up and asked if we got it for him! LOL It is so nice to have family so close. We are truly blessed! I hate to see this time of year go but it will be nice to get the house cleaned up this week while I am home.

Monday, December 13, 2010

2010 Christmas Card

Scarlet Stars Christmas
Design your Christmas cards with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where did the time go?

1 hour old

1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

4 years old

Happy 4th Birthday to my "Baby"!

We woke Gabe up to a streamers and confetti filled room with presents and pancakes with a candle! It took him a little while to wake up but when he did he enjoyed it all! We also decorated the kitchen for him to eat in this morning. I just refused to let him eat pancakes in bed! HA
While I was in the bathroom getting ready he walked back and I heard him say "nope not in here". I asked what he was talking about and he told me there was no decorations in the bathroom. Anyways, he had a great morning and now he is at school with cupcakes for his whole class! He is going to have a great day.

Trying to wake up!

He loved his pirate birthday shirt I made him.

Opening his Leapster Explorer!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

First Ponytail

It just makes those cheeks even cuter!

Halloween 2010

Gabe and Maggie were Woody and Jessie this year. I know I am a little obsessed with things like this but I have so much fun with them and it won't last long! I thought for a few months about what they could be this year. Gabe to no surprise wanted to be a pirate AGAIN! So I talked him into being "Pirate Woody". He ended up loving his outfit so much that he is now Cowboy Woody and has played in his outfit almost every night this week. Debbie and me made Maggie's outfit. I found the idea on the Internet and thought it was too cute!! Maggie didn't really care about any of it but Gabe loved "his Jessie" and even told us one time "My Jessie is so beautiful".

Gabe got to go to see two "Pirate Ships" a few weeks ago. Before we went we told him we were going to see the "Black Pearl"! When we got there he said "That's not the Black Pearl. That's just a boat."
HA! He is too smart to fool.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Maggie and the ER

Maggie has been full of ER visits from day one!
At six weeks we rushed her to the ER because I thought she had stopped breathing. We never figured out what really happened that day.
At Christmas last year she was laying right in the middle of a broken glass ornament so we had another trip to the ER for x-rays. Nothing was found.
At 1 year while sitting in the waiting room at the Doctor's office she went into a seizure in my arms. I ran her back and they laid her down on a bed and just watched her until it stopped. We spent two days in the hospital for that.
A month ago we were staying with my aunt in TN Maggie didn't fall down the stairs she fell over the side of them onto the hardwood floor. It knocked her out. So we again took her to the ER. After a CAT scan and x-rays she was fine.
Then yesterday! Maggie got up with a fever in the morning. It was only 100.6 but she was very lethargic so I called into work. She soon went back to sleep and I got her up at 9:30 to leave for the doctor. Before we left she was shivering. Gabe was going to go with us to get his Flu Mist. So I called mom as soon as I left to tell her to meet me at the office because Maggie was acting just like she did the last time she had a seizure. I just had that feeling it was going to happen again. I got to the stop sign at the highway and looked back in the mirror and Maggie's eyes were rolled back and her hand was drawn up so I just stopped the car right there and got her out. All I knew to do was to hold her on her left side and just watch for her lips to turn blue. I felt so helpless. Just sitting there watching this happen my baby and there was nothing I could do. I thought about calling 911 but I knew I just needed to wait and watch her. So I did. It was like a switch just flipped and it stopped. It only lasted about 3 to 4 minutes but it felt like forever! When it stopped she just laid there like what you would imagine a brain damaged baby would do,no expression on her face and no movement. My grandmother came and meet me there and she rode by Maggie the rest of the way. Maggie slowly woke up and by the time the doctor came in the room Jake had Maggie so he held her while she did her exam. It ended up being a ear infection that caused the fever. That was a big relief. It was a easy fix. But the funny thing is that after the doctor backed away from Maggie she was MAD at Jake for letting that lady touch her. LOL She came right to me. (Maggie loves her daddy right now! I mean LOVES him!!!)But that didn't last long. They gave her a shot to get the infection gone faster and the fever down. She told us to just keep her on Tylenol and Motrin every three hours for 24 hours. And that most kids out grow this by 5 and that if a seizure ever last longer than 5 minutes to call 911. Maggie is doing better today but still has a low fever. Maybe by the end of the day it will be gone. Her little body just can't handle a fever.
Needless to say it has been an adventure from day one with her! But I thank God that he has kept her safe and healthy. I can handle a seizure every now and then as long as she is here with me smiling.

On a side note: I can't wait to see the Tigers get beat this weekend! HAHA! I told Jake this morning that LSU and AU both seem to always get lucky or get the benefit of the doubt from the refs, they will probably come in to the game Saturday and say "hey we all like you both so much that we talked and we are going to just rule this one a tie" LOL.
I know I know I am a bad Bama fan but after a couple weeks ago... hey I am what I am. LOL
Sorry Papa!!!!!

This is her new thing. She thinks it is funny to pick her nose and bite her toes.
She will scream "Mama, mama, MaaaaaaMa!" until I look at her and she will have a finger in her nose or put a toe in her mouth.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Maggie and Passy

Well, I waited long enough! I got rid of Maggie's passy this week. I have been talking about it for a while now and got tired of hearing people say "oh you don't need that thing" LOL.
She turned 16 months on the 20 and Gabe was 14 or 15 months when we got rid of it and it was so easy with him I wanted to do the same thing with Maggie. I have seen so many kids with passy much later then Maggie but I know it is a lot harder to get rid of it the older they get.
So she woke up Tuesday morning without it in her mouth and I didn't have time to look for it so that was it. No more! It was so easy. I think it was more for me then her. LOL
It made church a little easier.
I am wondering if she will maybe start talking now. But she still has Gabe around so there is little time for her to get a word in.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gabe and God

Gabe has been talking about God a lot in the past few weeks. He asked me the other day if God could hear him when he talked and when I said yes he whispered " God I have something to tell you." He didn't really know what to say so he mumbled to him "I love you" then went on to make a silly face.
He asked me today if God had bones. When I said "Well Jesus had bones" he said "God has bones and blood". Lol
He is so confused with God and Jesus. But I am happy that he is wanting to know more about it all. I think he is learning a lot from Wednesday night church and MDO this year.

On a little different note he is also learning his letters this year and any time he sees a G, E, B he gets a big smile on his face and screams "that is in my name"!

I keep saying it, but it is so fun watching him grow and learn.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Such a big boy!

Gabe was playing with his ship one morning at work and Maggie
gave him his trains. Gabe took them from her and said

"Thank you Maggie, but I don't want them right now. But I sure
do preciate it."

LOL he is so funny!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Random Pictures

You can still see her bruise from her fall last week.

Maggie's silly face.

Gabe helping me decorate.

I love this face!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Gabe will be four in December. Wow! He will be in pre-K next year. He never stops making me laugh or just amazing me with what he has to say. He gets very mad very fast when things don't go just the way he thinks they should. Most people get annoyed by this, but I have learned to just let a lot of it go. There are sometimes when he gets call out on it but it is his temperament and there is very little I can do to change it. I could spank him everyday but that would make both our lives hard. I realize that until he gets a little older this is just his way of showing his frustration.
He is great with Maggie. He loves her and watches out for her. He loves for her to play in his room and he is always trying to make her laugh.
He still love pirates but is also open to just about anything else he has seen or thought about that day but he always goes back to pirates. I love it!
He loves school! He walks right in without saying a word to me. He told me the other day that he has a girlfriend named KK. She has long blond curly hair and she is older then him. I have a feeling this is just going to be the first of many pretty little girls in his life.
Daddy is proud!