Monday, December 10, 2012


Gabe just had his 6th birthday!!

Maggie is 3 1/2


And full of ATTITUDE!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First day of Kindergarten

Gabe started Kindergarten last week!
Where has the time gone? I still look at him and see that little baby. I guess that will never change.
He was so excited about starting. He had a few butterflies that morning and we still have a
few each morning. It just takes a few minutes in class and he is all better. I think what has really helped is the "kissing hand". I kiss his palm every morning and all he has to do is put it to his face anytime he needs a kiss. Lol
(A mommy's dream!!!)

                           Maggie also started  last week. She is LOVING it!!!! She loves her
                                     teacher. She loves her class. She loves backpack!!!!
                               Everyday she ask "do I get to go to Mrs. Carroll's class today."
                                                 She almost runs to class each morning!

Friday, June 15, 2012

This and that!

                                     Maggie in her spring program. She did such a great job!

                                                             Spring program at school.

          Gabe finished all the assignments for his Bible Memory Challenge and got his first trophy.

                                         Just some of the kids in Gabe's age group at church.
                                                              Sarah's Graduation

Soccer and T-ball

We had a very busy spring!! Gabe played soccer, t-ball, and was in a play for his music class. But everything turned out great and he had a blast!

Panoply 2012

We went to Panoply for the first time this year. The kids really loves it and Jake really loved all the food!

Easter 2012- The kids had a great time at Mayfair's egg hunt! Maggie's basket ended up with only pink eggs!

                                             The Easter bunny came and left awesome stuff!

                                     This is Gabe's new favorite thing to do at mom and dad's.