Thursday, April 10, 2008


Gabe has a lot of girls in his life. He LOVES the attention he gets from each one of them and they have been a big help for me from day one. Whether they are changing his clothes are just watching out for him. I have never doubted his safety when he is with them.

Audrey and Gabe at homecoming '07

Sarah and Gabe at a family picnic

Emilee helping Gabe learn to walk

Erin playing with Gabe in Destin, FL last summer.
(Erin calls Gabe her little brother)

Jordan holding Gabe for the first time.
(She helps me watch him at the office)

He even has the girls in the youth group

wrapped around his finger.

Gabe also has his little girls. Abbi is one of his 1st cousins. She helped me feed and burp him when he was a baby. He was her first baby cousin, so she loved him so much from the day he was born. Now that Gabe is older, he has learned that he loves her ponytail SO MUCH!!

Janna Beth is Jordan's sister . She loves to come to the office after school, when she gets here, her first words to me are "Hey Drea, is Gabe here?"

Abbi and Gabe playing

Abbi and Gabe watching his first
Alabama game.

Janna and Gabe

In February Gabe got a new role. He is now a big cousin to Ellie. Because they are so close in age, I can see him one day taking on the "big brother role". The same as Jake and his brothers have done for Audrey, Sarah, Emilee, and very soon Erin.

Gabe and Ellie Easter '08

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